Welcome to the forum and yes this is an OK spot to ask this.
While a commendable project, I am terrified at the concept of something this big AND carrying humans, being designed and built by a non-Engineer. This is a frightening statement "for them to perform on."
You have no idea of the dynamic (movement) loads being imposed by a large bunch of people on that ramp.
I strongly suggest you get qualified Engineering help to design this. Ask around in your local area and I am sure you will find a structural Engineer willing to do this for free for the school.
If you insist oon proceeding on your own, then I suggest you tell the school Principal to ensure their liability insurance is set up to cover a mega-multi-million dollar payout for injuries.
The Engineer will be able to tell you how to easily solve the rotation and movement issue. But I will NOT be divulging it here to assist you in this insanity. Please listen to the voice of reason.
Google this...
stage collapse
...and be VERY concerned for your school and band members.