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Thread: Battery Recharging Time...

  1. #1
    Lead Engineer RWOLFEJR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Rochester Pennsylvania

    Battery Recharging Time...

    In 1 hour and 12 minutes and 46 seconds I will be off work to prepare for my six day recharge. Previous charging events have made me aware of several little fun facts...

    It takes exactly 6 days of fishing and approx. two cases of Budweiser to put a new charge on my batteries. That charge will last until exactly September 15th. At that point I will require exactly 14 days of Elk hunting and about two Bud's an evening up until the point of success and then several more celebratory beers each day thereafter. The duration of these charging times varies in direct correlation to the amount of run time required before the next charging session.

    It takes exactly six minutes and forty three seconds for a warm case of bud put on ice to become drinkable.

    A person ready to go on vacation gets approximately 2 hours of work done in the last 8 hour work day prior to departure.

    The person on any road trip with the smallest bladder is always the biggest pain in the butt.

    My buddy who is hauling all of us will be painfully aware of the previously mentioned fun fact…!!

  2. #2
    Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Bold Springs, GA
    So, you will be a full battery in:

    Full Charge = [6 (days) * 24 hrs/day * 60 minutes/hour] - [1hr*60 minutes/hr + 12 minutes + (24 seconds/60 seconds/hr)]

    But, how cold is the ice that the beer was placed in and at what temperature was the beer when placed in the ice?

    Inquiring minds need to know...

    Have fun and stay out of trouble!

  3. #3
    Lead Engineer RWOLFEJR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Rochester Pennsylvania
    Way overestimated the beer requirement... always best to error to extra! Good time was had by all. No injuries this year. Couple years ago a guy had a little pike on and didn't get a good hold of it and it freaked and sunk a hood in his hand deep while wrapping the line all around his hand and fingers and slapping around. That was a sight I tell ya...!

    Two of our guys saw a moose and a wolf... They got a few pictures of the wolf. I initially wondered if it was a wolf or maybe just a dog or coyote but after looking at the pictures I'd guess it was indeed a wolf. We weren't that far away from civilization that I would have expected they would be found there though? We were just about an hour Northwest of Lake Nippising in Ontario. "Jerry Mathers" and his loon friends were there as well. We caught three muskies of which two were decent size... bunch of little pike... few bass... couple perch and an accidental walleye on a big spinner bait of all things.

    Didn't take temperature measurements on the ice and beer. Do think that some melt is a good thing in a beer cooler. Seems to allow the cold to completely wrap around the can and really get it cold. Submerged in ice filled water... "seems" colder than sitting dry under a block of ice.

    We ate like kings and got a few "friendly" poker games in. I got spanked in the cards... Oh well... Somebody's got to lose and guess it was my turn this year. We all had some mornings where our guts hurt from so much laughing the day before. I had the pleasure of sleeping in the room next to the two big snorer's of the group. It was like it was in stereo. One was higher pitch and the other lower... At least they kept good time and alternated in near perfect harmony.

    Was reminded of another little fun fact about vacations... After a certain age, you need a couple days off after a vacation to recover from all of the "rest."

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