How much time to reach block?
What distance does workpiece move?
How accurate do you need position?
How is workpiece attached to belt?
I have drawed a sketch and post it in the page below.And i typed my question there.
I have to deal with electrical maters.But I m less experienced with such area.So the question may seems ....basic.I beg your patience to guide me.
Thank you.
How much time to reach block?
What distance does workpiece move?
How accurate do you need position?
How is workpiece attached to belt?
About 3~4 seconds for the work part move from one side to another.The distance is 1000 mm.The accuracy would be +0.1~-0.1mm.I would like to use belt and wheels with teeth.I would like to use other methods if I have better choise.
Let's see, the average speed is slow, so one possibility is to locate a proximity switch ( e.g. microswitch) located just before the target position, then using a DC motor, slew the belt in say 2 seconds to that point; then reduce the voltage to the motor substantially to move the load the remaining distance into the block where the motor remains "on" at low torque, holding the workpiesce to the block.
Another is to use a stepping motor with an absolute encoder to generate 10000 steps at .1 mm/step.
If these suggestions are beyond your capability, then I suggest your company contact a consultant in this field.
I think that the stepping motor is the best choose ,it is very accuretely
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