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Thread: Bye Baby Bunting...

  1. #1
    Lead Engineer RWOLFEJR's Avatar
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    Rochester Pennsylvania

    Bye Baby Bunting...

    Bye, baby Bunting,
    Daddy’s gone a-hunting,
    Gone to get an Elk skin
    To wrap the baby Bunting in...

    19 days 'till we leave for an Elk hunt in Wyoming. Can't wait... nananannanananananan (nail biting sound)...

    Only bad part about the trip is the ride through Iowa and Nebraska. Nothing personal to any that live there. Yes corn is a beautiful thing and our country would be in a world of hurt without the crop... but about 8 hours or so of seeing nothing but corn... ugh. Maybe Nebraska should consider some entertaining billboards of some sort every couple miles to keep passers through entertained? (humorous intent)

    Hey... there's an idea... Maybe a GPS that tosses you a joke or a picture or some little thing to look forward to every so many miles down the road. I'm thinking pics of swimsuit models would sell very well? Or sans swimsuits maybe sell even better? Or if food is your thing maybe one that would dispense a PEZ or an M&M every few miles. Like the carrot dangling in front of the horse.

    Somebody go ahead and run with that and give me a unit when you get into production... If you make millions remember me.

  2. #2
    Technical Fellow
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RWOLFEJR View Post
    our country would be in a world of hurt without the crop
    Er, isn't that where Ethanol comes from? As an owner of some old motorcycles and other vehicles, I am not a fan of the 10-pecent and even more concerned about the touted 15-percent.

    Quote Originally Posted by RWOLFEJR View Post
    but about 8 hours or so of seeing nothing but corn... ugh.
    That's what headrest DVD players are for. Take a friend and take turns at driving and sitting in the back.

  3. #3
    Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
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    So, Elk season opens up in mid-September in Wyoming? That just seems early for this southerner... Have fun!

  4. #4
    Lead Engineer RWOLFEJR's Avatar
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    Seasons start at different times depending on which Game Management Unit you're hunting in. Most of the states GMU's start on Oct 1st... Some Oct 15th. This area and a couple others are an earlier hunt. Not sure why? Think it may have something to do with the area being mostly ranches and the ranchers have some say as to when and how many will be harvested in their areas. I'm told they have a meeting with the game commission every year to discuss hunting seasons and limits. Most of the rest of the state Sept 1st or 15th is the beginning of the archery season for Elk. Last time we were out there we hunted a newly opened up unit in the East and it started Sept. 1st. Was nice... warm and we had bulls bugeling... Makes the hairs stand up and gives me goosebumps. Awesome animals... The rut ought to be still on this year when we get there but nearing the end.

    Anyone ever watch a show on the History Channel called something like "The History of Corn?" Was a real eye opener for me as to how important our corn is to basically the world. I never realized how many different things it's used for. Amazing show to watch if you see it pop up. The "funny fuel" is just a drop of the total crop. Thinking it amounted to something like 1 - 2%?? Don't quote me on that though.

  5. #5
    Lead Engineer RWOLFEJR's Avatar
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    Well thought I'd update this for the foo of it...
    We didn't see any Elk on our trip. Two weeks of hunting and couldn't get on any. Oh well... That's why they call it hunting instead of killing. We still had a ball and a nice visit with a buddy that lives out there. Saw quite a few nice deer, both whitetail and mule deer. Also saw tons of antelope, coyotes and a couple bobcats.

    Did Get a nice consolation prize this archery season here in PA... Last Wednesday bagged this fine buck. He was a big older deer and he and a couple of his bachelor buddies were in full rut. The two bigger bucks came right up on me after bout an hour of grunting and running around. I hunt on the ground and it's quite a rush to have a pair of nice bucks come right up on you. The other was a nice younger 8 that had the pretty white band behind his nose and a very even rack. Hoping he survives another season and I can get a look at him next year. I didn't get a real good look at the third but he was inside the ears and not a shooter so I didn't spend much time eyeballing him..

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  6. #6
    Associate Engineer
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    Mar 2012
    Long drives bore me a lot as well especially if i see the same scene for miles!LOL but then sometimes it a good thing to see something new since i live in a city where there are a lot of buildings and stuff so seeing fields and actually be able to enjoy the sun and fresh air is something that i look forward too, though i make it a point to bring good music so when i get bored i just turn on my music and sing til my heart's desire! try it for yourself, it might kill time. plus you dont have to worry about having a bad voice since your in your car!

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