Draftsman = Draughtsman
I think it is great that you’re looking beyond part level dimensioning and tolerancing but being that you are a “trainee CAD Draughtsman” I think you’re getting ahead of yourself in regards to what you should be learning.
First, you should be mastering CAD and part level drafting. Also, engineering process, change notice creation, team work skills and learning about the products you’re working on. I sincerely hope you have a mentor or a guru to help you out.
Then you should learn engineering material characteristics, corrosion (galvanics), part level manufacturing process, and manufacturing process tolerance capabilites.
From there you should learn about end-item assembly or integration requirements, applicable specifications, and assembly level drafting.
The short of it – learn the basics first before moving on to more advanced applications, like tolerance analysis and assembly tolerance distribution methods.
There are books available that do illustrate assembly level tolerance structures, however I doubt you are going to find a book with YOUR application centric examples. This is why learning the basics is so one important in that when mastered you can then develop the unique part and assembly level design, tolerance structures in view of application and manufacturability.