I am from bits-pilani India its india,s top private engineering college and u might have heard of itI am an intern at SKF technologies india(a bearing manufacturing company) and need help for the following project as no one is helping me here
My questions are:
1.What are the software skills/hardware required for the following project
2.What would be the steps and stages of this project i.e. what would be the process and how to begin?
Title of the project:-Web Based real time machine monitoring system
Description of the project:-
In order to improve machine reliability we need to monitor deteriorations or wear-tear of machine components on real-time basis and generate alarms and bring the machine to basic condition. The system shall capture signals from machines in digital, analogue, data format from the machine controller (read binary information). Example of such signals can be machine temperature, oil/water/air level, temperature, pressure, spindle rpm, machine voltage, current readings / energy consumption, etc. Improve Detection level of forced and natural deterioration of machine components thereby providing an opportunity to act immediately to restore machine components to basic condition. We shall also analyse and study the trends from the data captured which will help in defining a concrete maintenance strategy for the machine