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Thread: Career advise to enter the ME field

  1. #1

    Career advise to enter the ME field

    New member here seeking career advise. First I am currently a LEO for a metropolitan area in texas with a B.S. on Network Engineering (mainly Cisco routers and switches) that I obtained in 2010. I became a LEO due to job availability in my area at the time so more by default about 6 yrs ago. I am now on my early thirties and recently moved to a metropolitan area with more job opportunities. I am thinking about a career change and looking to ME.

    The university in my area offers a masters in ME so I was thinkong about enrolling in the program but obviously I will have to take some engineering and math courses before that. I never took calculus before only geometry, algebra, and physics but I am good at math and not afraid to take advance math courses. Would you guys think that us a good plan or should I look at getting an associate degree in engineering? Second question is regarding salary I currently make in the 75 to 80k range and will max out at 100k even if i become a supervisor I realize that I will be taking a paycut but I could only do it temporarily since I am married with kids. How long would you guys think it will take me to get my salary back up?

    Sorry for the long post and thank you guus in advance for any advise.

  2. #2
    Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Bold Springs, GA

    What's a"LEO"

    You have a "B.S. on Network Engineering (mainly Cisco routers and switches) that I obtained in 2010. " What are you talking about?

    You make "
    make in the 75 to 80k range and will max out at 100k even if i become a supervisor" What city/state? This is good for most places in the US.

    Observation: You'll need more than the math classes (which are at least two years worth) - you need better communication skills..

  3. #3
    sorry for the confusion, I assumed those were common acronyms and titles.

    LEO = Law Enforcement Officer (Police Officer)

    "B.S. on Network Engineering (mainly Cisco routers and switches) that I obtained in 2010. " What are you talking about?

    . = Bachelor of Science Degree (4 year degree)
    Network Engineering =
    "A network engineer, also known as network architect, designs and implements computer networks. Unlike network administrators, who perform day-to-day support, the network engineer focuses on high-level design and planning. Network engineers select the appropriate data communications components and configure them to meet user and corporate needs. The construction of a reliable and high-performing network integrating LAN, WAN, Internet, and intranet components entails network modeling and analysis."
    Cisco =
    A company that develops, manufactures and sells networking hardware, telecommunications equipment and other high-technology services and products.
    Routers and Switches = Networking Equipment used in computer networks
    "that I obtained in 2010" = My degree was conferred (granted, completed, bestow) in 2010

    salary is kind of why I wrote this post. If you were to tell me that is no way that as a Mechanical
    Engineer I will ever make more than 70k no mater what then I will not be pursuing this career path or if you told me that 100k is easily attainable with a few years of experience it will be a top option. I know my salary is good I am just looking to change careers into something that I would enjoy more and no take a pay cut for the rest of my life. F.Y.I. I am located in a metropolitan area in Texas.

    For two years of school I could get an associates degree in engineering at my local community college or attend my local university for my MS (Masters of Science) in some computer related field. I was just looking into Mechanical Engineering in specific.

    As far as my writing (communication skills) English is my second language but I have completed many college papers for writing and literature courses (while in college) I also write reports in a daily bases and testify in court so I am not too worried (but I never be as good as a native English speaker).

  4. #4
    Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Bold Springs, GA
    Ok, so I have never heard of a B.S. in Network Engineering.. In fact, I've never heard of an engineering degree program that did not include at least a couple of semesters of calculus.

    Virtually all B.S.M.E. degrees require Calculus I, II, III and Differential equations. Moreover, you're likely going to need descriptive geometry as well. There will be physics, chemistries and elective hours towards alternative engineering professions, like electronics or civil engineering.

    The first questions you should ask and determine is where you want to go to school, how to pay for it and how many of your existing college/university credits will transfer and apply towards the engineering degree you want. From there - you'll get a plan or not.

    Be prepared to work really, really hard.

    Honestly, I don't see any monetary upside based on your current salary unless you end up in engineering management or more.

    Good luck.

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