Electric motor defective....
Hello, Newbie here, i have a question about Steam Turbine Vacuum system.
This is our vacuum interlocks
- Jet Water Pump press : 5 - 6 bar
- Vacuum Normal : (-0.86) - (-0.91) bar
- Vacuum alarm water pump : <-0.75 bar
- Turbin trip : -0.61 bar
What might make the vacuum system not work normally and cause a turbine trip? Thx before
Electric motor defective....
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
Let us assume you are referring to a ejector style pump, ( like these Attachment 2025 )
It is important to remember that pressure does not equal velocity. So the jet pressure reading can be at normal levels even though there is blockage or erosion of the nozzle.
Thx for your answer sir.