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Thread: Helpful Math Elective

  1. #1
    Associate Engineer
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Helpful Math Elective

    Hello. I am currently a sophomore in college who is pursuing a BS in Mechanical Engineering (highly considering going for an MS), and I am tagging on a mathematics minor. I have planned out most of my college career up to a 4-year degree, but the one spot I have trouble with is the additional math elective I need to complete my minor. What is a good elective that applies to Mechanical Engineering, or just engineering in general? I was thinking about Dynamical Systems, but am still unsure. The classes that I have taken/are taking/are planning to take are:
    Calculus I and II (taken)
    Differential Equations w/Linear Algebra (taking)
    Calculus III and Engineering Statistics (planning to take next semester)

    Any opinions/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  2. #2
    Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
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    Bold Springs, GA
    Do you not have a guidance counselor? Also, I was not aware that an ME degree effort would allowed for a minor.. At University of Texas Arlington all engineering majors required Calculus I, II, III and Differential Equations and this was specified as a minimum for any engineering degree.

    Where are you going to college?

  3. #3
    Associate Engineer
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    Mar 2018
    My adviser specialized in the ME department, not as much Mathematics, but I am also planning to talk to the head of the math department and ask for any recommendations.

    I am attending college at the University of Minnesota Duluth. All majors here require at least an additional minor with the exception of the engineering fields and some other science majors. Also, not all of the engineering majors require the same amount of math credits. All of the engineering majors require up to Calculus II and Differential Equations, but not necessarily Calculus III or a stats course (for example, ChE requires Diff Eq and Calc II, and then any additional math elective, which could be a course other than Calc III or a stats course). ME, however requires all of the classes that I mentioned in the original post, and completing said classes leaves me just 1 classes' worth of credits short of a math minor.

  4. #4
    Associate Engineer
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    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by chasebonczek View Post
    Hello. I am currently a sophomore in college who is pursuing a BS in Mechanical Engineering (highly considering going for an MS), and I am tagging on a mathematics minor. I have planned out most of my college career up to a 4-year degree, but the one spot I have trouble with is the additional math elective I need to complete my minor. What is a good elective that applies to Mechanical Engineering, or just engineering in general? I was thinking about Dynamical Systems, but am still unsure. The classes that I have taken/are taking/are planning to take are:
    Calculus I and II (taken)
    Differential Equations w/Linear Algebra (taking)
    Calculus III and Engineering Statistics (planning to take next semester)

    Any opinions/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
    I think abstract algebra can be a good choice.

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