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Thread: Fundamentals of Design Engineering?

  1. #1

    Fundamentals of Design Engineering?

    Ive worked as a design engineer for the last 2 and a half years.
    Having started looking for work elsewhere ive had my confidence knocked in a couple interviews.
    I got absolutely grilled for not being able to recognise the manufacturing method of various components. The interviewer even suggesting that I simply wasnt cut out to be a mechanical design engineer as a result.
    Now i get some of these methods should be second nature to people who want to get into design and manufacturing but without experience or exposure its kind of hard to develop those skills beyond surface level.
    What are the fundamentals of design engineering that a novice should understand and can learn without real world experience?

  2. #2
    Technical Fellow Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Bold Springs, GA
    I got absolutely grilled for not being able to recognise the manufacturing method of various components.
    See and get access too and study up here:

    The interviewer even suggesting that I simply wasnt cut out to be a mechanical design engineer as a result.
    That interviewer was not cut out to be an interviewer. That's right on the mark of unprofessional and most likely challenging individual to work with.

    Ive worked as a design engineer for the last 2 and a half years.
    In general and depending on industry and exposure it takes about five years to develop a vertical skill set in most ********** and technologies as an engineer as well as designer. Unless you are working with dead end technology, really undesirable company, or have poor work environment you should consider developing more experience before shopping for a new job.
    Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

  3. #3
    Principle Engineer Cragyon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Newark, NJ
    Search and read this website - most everything you need in your career is here.

    For example:
    Fundamentals of Machine Design

    Fundamentals of Machine Design, Volume I

    Fundamentals of Design Engineering, Volume II

    Fundamentals of Design Engineering, Volume III

    Design and Engineering

    Engineering online books and resources

    Engineering Calculators, Online

  4. #4
    Lead Engineer
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Houston TX USA
    If the company you are now employed with does manufacturing on site, a good starting point is to start touring the manufacturing area and getting to know the shop floor personnel on your break times and see how your products are being made there.

  5. #5
    Principle Engineer
    Join Date
    May 2015
    My review suggests the original post was manufactured by rolling - in self-pity. The material is probably snowflake.

    It is entirely possible that the interviewer was trying to be helpful after learning that 1) The applicant was less than satisfied with their current design position and 2) does not have the knowledge that the interviewer feels is necessary to be a design professional.

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