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Thread: Dial with very low friction?

  1. #1

    Dial with very low friction?


    I'm a novice hobbyist seeking help on a DIY project. Thank you in advance for your time and help. Apologies if I misuse some terms.

    Objective: Make a free-spinning (ie low friction), absolute, high precision, rotary sensor.

    I'm making a dial for project. I've tried a few rotary pots, but none "feel" quite right. They don't spin enough as there's too much friction (or resistance, but that term might have other meanings).

    My current plan is;
    1. a single piece dial and shaft (so both rotate same speed).
    2. attach to bottom of shaft a magnet for this ***linl removed***
    3. just under the shaft the encoder/receiver part, about 1mm between

    The problem is I can't work what kind of bearings I'd use.
    I was leaning towards a thrust bearing at the top of the shaft.

    But I can't work out;

    1. how to attach it to the underside of the dial (none of the thrust bearings I've seen have a flange to screw in)
    2. if I need to attach it to the body of the part as well
    3. how to stop the dial/shaft from being pulled up and out of the hole

    How would I go about this? I would like a light flick of the dial to result in 5-10 revolutions - those numbers are just to give an idea of the "freeness" I'd like in it.

    thank you all
    nb: dial radius will be around 20mm, shaft length 35mm


  2. #2
    Check PBClinear plain bearings. Very low friction on their shafts.

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