Engineers Edge

Engineering and Technology News

New Energy-Saving Conveyor Belt

PALM SPRINGS, Calif., Sept. 18 -- Goodyear Engineered Products' announces the availability of an innovative conveyor belt that reduces energy consumption for conveyor systems.

The new conveyor belt cover has been field tested to reduce belt operating costs up to 12 percent. Currently there is 200 miles of Easyrider conveyor belts installed worldwide.

As a conveyor belt rolls over an idler roller, energy is lost and energy is produced at the idler contact area. This is due to an indentation of the belt which occurs on its underside rubber cover. The belt cover returns to its original shape, but the entire system has to work a little harder to convey its material past that point as more belting moves into place in the continuous cycle.

Easyrider recovers its shape more quickly than conventional rubber compounds. The belt moves more efficiently over idlers, reducing the amount of energy required to run the system.

Lab tests show normal deformation from compression on a belt's idler cover side varies with material loads, but could reach 0.045 inches. It doesn't seem like a lot, says Braucher (Goodyear marketing manager), but take the minuscule power loss from impact at one idler and multiply it over a typical one-mile system with up to 1,300 idlers, and the energy loss is staggering.

"In fact, pulley indentation can be responsible for as much as 60 percent of the power consumed on a long horizontal conveyor system," said Braucher.

With quicker shape recovery, more energy powers actual belt movement, instead of generating heat and noise at the idler indentation points. "It operates more efficiently and creates less heat, which extends belt life," said Braucher.

Easyrider low-rolling resistant technology is intended primarily for long overland conveyor belt systems. "It's easy for us to show operators how this innovative technology can produce bottom-line savings for the long haul," said Braucher.

In addition to conveyor belts, Goodyear Engineered Products manufactures and markets industrial hose, hydraulics, and power transmission belts; automotive belts, hose and air springs; and rubber track.

For further information, visit Goodyear or Easyrider CVD or contact customer service at (800) BELT-USA.

Related: Vee and Flat Belt Design and Engineering

Modified by Administrator at Fri, Nov 03, 2006, 17:37:20

09/18/2006, 14:00:33

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