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impellers Smile
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Posted by: thebigcance ®

05/22/2009, 03:35:57

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i have a blower at the entrance of a tunnel kiln.........the cfm is less, and m not sure wat it is. impellers gennerally have suction radius and a delivery radius. without buying an impeller, i want to fabricate the impeller........with ss sheet. how do i arrive the number of blades required, the angle of the blade, and how to roll the two radii.... becoz if one radii, is done from one side, and the next rolled from the could leave the center of the blade of reduced thickness.......and we use furnace oil as fuel for the it normally corrodes the blades..........wat type of coat is given to impellers with corrosive medium to transfer..........

pls help

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: impellers
: impellers -- thebigcance Post Reply Top of thread Engineering Forum
Posted by: randykimball ®
05/25/2009, 03:00:04

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you are biting off way more than you want to.. buy the blade.

IE: blades all exactly alike... balance... fluid dynamics.... safety.... nope... not worth the hassles...

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