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Material selection: plastic or metal? Question
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Posted by: Joe ®

02/02/2004, 12:20:21

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I'm designing a tape dispenser for polycarbonate sheets sealing. It's quite specific so the amount of products that they will be manufactured they will be 500, and then 100 each year (depending). The dispenser will be hand held, with an air gun incorporated. The size overall, will be 20x10x6 cm.

The main constrains are the weight (due to ergonomic data) and the cost (maximum manufacturing price of the product it will be 100£).

Thinking in applying:

-PP: Light, easy to manufacture, plastic assemblies, appearance, touch.

-Stainless steel: Maybe the 410. Cheaper when that amount of pieces are required?

Which could I apply? Anybody knows where could I ask cost for each process?

Thank you very much, Joe.

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Re: Material selection: plastic or metal?
Re: Material selection: plastic or metal? -- Joe Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: RandyKimball ®
02/02/2004, 19:47:22

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Basicly you need to work up the concept in both plasitc and steel. Then you need to go out for quotes for the tooling to make it both ways letting the vendors know you only want bracketed cost estimates. This means you ask for a cost spread that the vendor thinks the cost would fall within. You do this to save the vendor from spending more time on the estimate then they should for a job that is only a feeler. If you don't do this, it won't be long until the vendors will no quote all your work because they can't possibly afford to quote all the "wolf cries" (false quotes). So be up front and you should get a reasonable value to work with. Most vendors can give you a fairly close guess if you encourage then to bracket the estimate.

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