pnuematic motor design Sad
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Posted by: JimmyMech ®

11/19/2005, 12:45:18

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Hi i am a undergraduate... i am facing a big problem now as i need to design a self-started air motor. I do not know any detail info on the working principle of the air motor and how it works.. so i wish i could get some help as well as some websites or other info showing me how it works.
the design constraints are :
output power : 12w
RPM : 600

pls help thanks

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Re: pnuematic motor design
Re: pnuematic motor design -- JimmyMech Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: randykimball ®
11/19/2005, 13:30:30

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Without giving you to much detail...
An air-motor (as in a die grinder) is simply a small diameter vane pump with air supplied to one side and exhausted to the atmos on the outlet.

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Re: pnuematic motor design Sad
Re: Re: pnuematic motor design -- randykimball Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: JimmyMech ®

11/20/2005, 13:03:49

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Oh thanks a lot for that info... But actually i need to know more in detail.. is it possible ? By the way i am doing a piston air motor, how does the timing works for the valves and the whole radial piston air motor?

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