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Posted by: kojak ®

01/25/2006, 03:47:09

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I need to waterproof a shaft with electronic component inside. Will someone advise me what kind of sealant could be used at temperatures ranging from -20 ~ 80 deg C.

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Re: water-proofing
Re: water-proofing -- kojak Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: randykimball ®
01/25/2006, 23:32:49

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I assume you are intending to seal up an end after the device has been installed. I'd try an epoxy or JB Weld. I know of several places JB Weld has been used to repair engines and remained in place for years.

My '77 land cruiser once took a rock through three core tubes in the radiator up in the high rockies with no way out except to make a repair. I removed the radiator and cleaned the area on the tubes. Then I took the JB Weld from my emergnecy kit (glad I had thought to put it in) and sealed off the holes in the tubes. That was three years ago and it is still not leaking a drop. This certifies that JB Weld will work at over 100 C° and seals against water and coolant.

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