Tank Volume
Posted by: kumaqal ®

04/27/2006, 08:23:37

I want to know how can we calculate the tank volume, which is lying horizontally, and having a dishend on both sides,
ony guy told me that first we calculate the volume of the whole tank by filling water in it,
than we will use following formulae
first we find the diameter of the tank
than Height of the tank

we find the length of the tank by
L = H - 2d
;d = dia of the dishend

d can be calculated as

d = 0.134D
;D = Dia of the tank

volume of the tank can be calculated as
v = pi* r**2 *L
similiary we can find the volume of dishend by the same formula

i don't know how long i m right? so need your help and i want to know if tank is place horizontally, how can we find out how much volume would be in this tank ? what is the exact formulae for this .
with kind regards


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Re: Tank Volume
Posted by: Scooter ®

05/05/2006, 16:08:13

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If you know, or can find out the I.D.(inside dia.) & the length from head seam to head seam, use:
R(sq.) x Pi x Length = cub.ft.area Now:
Area(cub.ft.) x 7.48055 = Gal's

Now you will have to find out what type dished head you have.
(flanged & dished?)(2:1 elliptical?) then determin if the head is "stuffed" or "butt" welded to the shell. This is required in order to decide where to compute the heads "Stright Flanges". Once these things are determined, find a head book and look up the voluum of your particular heads. Add this to your shell voluum and that's it.



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