psi to horsepower
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Posted by: stryker500 ®

01/11/2007, 11:07:57

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I have a hydraulic piston that rotates a gear and need to figure out what the horsepower rating to change to electric motor. The piston operates at 1000psi to move gear.

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Re: psi to horsepower
Re: psi to horsepower -- stryker500 Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: tassos.arvanitis ®

01/11/2007, 12:17:43

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You can use the standard formula for Power for your mechanism which states that:Power(watts)=(Pull(N)xSpeed(m/min))/60

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Re: Re: psi to horsepower
Re: Re: psi to horsepower -- tassos.arvanitis Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: fluidpower1 ®

01/18/2007, 20:51:44

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What is the cylinder Bore Diameter?

How Fast does it extend in Inches Per Minute?

GPM= Gallons Per Inch (GPI) X Inches Per Minute (IPM) piston speed.

Gallons Per Inch = Bore Area divided by 231

HP= GPM X PSI X .000583

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