Deflection of pipe Angry
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Posted by: johng ®

07/11/2007, 16:25:25

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We are hoisting pipes, diameter 2700 mm, wall thickness varies from 50mm to 75mm, length about 80.000 mm. Weights about 300 metric tonnes. We pick the pipe at two point several meters from top and bottom of the pipe.
Can the calculation for deflection be made by simple deflection calculation and super position principle. Has anyone an example?

Grz John

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Re: Deflection of pipe
Re: Deflection of pipe -- johng Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: rconner ®

07/16/2007, 14:23:16

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Do you mean "80 meters" for "length" (instead of "mm" that was typed)?

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Re: Re: Deflection of pipe
Re: Re: Deflection of pipe -- rconner Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: johng ®

07/16/2007, 14:32:55

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80 meters = 80.000 mm.


Grz John

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Re: Deflection of pipe
Re: Deflection of pipe -- johng Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: andrewjmorin ®

07/12/2007, 16:32:23

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how is this?


Pipe1.JPG (24.0 KB)  

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Re: Re: Deflection of pipe Question
Re: Re: Deflection of pipe -- andrewjmorin Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: johng ®

07/16/2007, 14:11:25

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What programm did you calculate this?


Grz John

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Re: Re: Re: Deflection of pipe
Re: Re: Re: Deflection of pipe -- johng Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: andrewjmorin ®

07/17/2007, 17:18:55

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that was done in ansys

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Re: Re: Deflection of pipe Smile
Re: Re: Deflection of pipe -- andrewjmorin Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: johng ®

07/16/2007, 14:01:07

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This is great, but I already made an Excel sheet to calculate the centre of gravity or a long pipe. In this Excel sheet I would like to implement the deflection and stresses.
I know that with FEM you can calculate the stresses, but thanks anyway.

Grz John

Grz John

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Re: Re: Re: Deflection of pipe
Re: Re: Re: Deflection of pipe -- johng Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: andrewjmorin ®

07/17/2007, 17:29:13

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Actually, that plot is the vertical deflection in mm.

If it is a spreadsheet solution that you want, you will have your hands quite full even if you restrict your calculations to 1-dimensional beam-deflection analysis.

This page has some good info, and the basic formula for beam deflection under it's own weight:

The problem is that you'll need a different solution, with different support conditions and loads, for each of your pipe's different segments. Are you trained as an engineer? If so I apologize for the applied mechanics lesson.

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Re: Deflection of pipe
Re: Deflection of pipe -- johng Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: Kelly Bramble ®

07/11/2007, 17:45:15

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Perhaps to estimate the mass of the pipe. Then apply stress, strain and deflection calculations.

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Re: Re: Deflection of pipe Question
Re: Re: Deflection of pipe -- Kelly Bramble Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: johng ®

07/16/2007, 14:09:47

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The mass, length etc are known. But what kind of calculation can I use.
The pipe is hoisted with two cranes, which have different lifting capacity. Therefore the distance to the centre of gravity is different. The pipe is build from several smaller pipes with different wall thickness.
For deflection to the lift point I can use f=5/384*ql^4/EI. What happens next.
Below schematic the pipe.
L1 L2
| Weight in C of G


Grz John

Modified by johng at Mon, Jul 16, 2007, 14:35:14

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