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gasket material
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Posted by: Pbyrne ®

06/19/2003, 18:05:25

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I work for a finishing equipment company.  A popular gasket material has been thiokol because it performs fairly well with a wide range of solvents.  Thiokol has become expensive and hard to get.  Does anyone know about either an inexpensive and reliable source for thiokol or a substitute that is compatible with a wide range of solvents? (NOT kalrez - it is way too expensive)

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gasket material
Re: gasket material -- Pbyrne Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: RKimball ®

06/19/2003, 19:10:11

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Maybe some viewer will be wise in this department, but if I had to know in a hurry, I would phone up a company that makes solvents and work the network to find the manufacturing engineer or similar in that firm. That person too will have wanted to save money on gasket materials, if there is a less expensive alternative I'm betting he/she would know and be happy to share the info with a non-competitive company.


** The worst suggestion of your lifetime may be the catalyst to the grandest idea of the century, don't fail to listen to suggestions. -randy-

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