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Fractional Flow Curve Formulas and Calculator

Civil Engineering Design and Engineering
Fluids Engineering and Design

Fractional Flow Curve Formulas and Calculator

A fractional flow curve (fw versus Sw) is used to describe the immiscible fluid displacement process, Sw (prevailing water saturation)

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Eq. 1 (Simplified form of fractional flow equation)
fw = 1 / [ 1 + ( µw · kro ) / ( krw · µo ) ]


µw = Water Viscosity (cP)
krw = Relative Permeability to Water (dimensionless)
kro = Relative Permeability to Oil or alternative Fluid (dimensionless)
µo = Oil Viscosity (cP)
fw = Fraction of Total Flowing Stream Composed of Water (dimensionless)

cP = centipose


Reference: Craig Jr. F. F., 2004, the Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Waterflooding, Vol. 3. Richardson, Texas: Monograph Series, SPE, Page: 112.
