Related Resources: heat transfer

Conductive Heat Transfer Parallel Cylinders Equation and Calculator

Heat Transfer Engineering
Engineering Physics

Conductive Heat Transfer of A row of equally spaced parallel isothermal cylinders buried in a semi-infinite medium (L >>D, z and w >1.5D)

Conductive Heat Transfer

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Preview: Two Cylinders at Known Separation Calculator

Thermal Conduction Equation

Steady State Constant
Per cylinder


Q = Rate of Steady State Heat Conductivity (W)
S = Conduction Shape Factor (m) which has the dimension of length, and k is the thermal conductivity of the medium between the surfaces. The conduction shape factor depends on the geometry of the system only.
k = Thermal Conductivity (W/m · °C)
T1 = Temperature (°C)
T2 = Temperature (°C)
D = Diameter (m)
L = Length (m)
w = Separation Distance (m)
z = Depth/Distance (m)