Related Resources: heat transfer

Heat Loss Insulated Pipe Equation and Calculator

Heat Transfer Engineering
Engineering Physics

Heat Loss through a Insulated Pipe Equation and Calculator:


1 Heat transfer is steady since there is no indication of any change with time.
2 Heat transfer is one-dimensional since there is thermal symmetry about the centerline and no variation in the axial direction.
3 Thermal conductivities are constant.
4 The thermal contact resistance at the interface is negligible.

Heat Loss through a Double-Pane Window Equation and Calculator

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Preview: Heat Loss Through a Insulated Pipe Calculator

Areas of the surfaces exposed to convection:

Areas of the surfaces

Individual thermal resistances:

Individual thermal resistances

Individual thermal resistances

Individual thermal resistances

Individual thermal resistances

All resistances are in series, the total resistance is:

total resistance

Steady rate of heat loss:

Steady rate of heat loss

The heat loss for a given pipe length can be determined by multiplying the above quantity by the pipe length L.

Temperature drops across the pipe and the insulation

Temperature drops across the pipe and the insulation

Temperature drops across the pipe and the insulation


Q = Heat Steady State Transfer (W)
A = Area (m2)
L = Length (m)
rn = Radius (m)
k = Thermal Conductivity (W/m · °C)
T∞n = Temperature (°C)
Tn = Temperature (°C)
hn = Heat Transfer Coefficient (W/m2 · °C)
Rconv, n = Thermal Resistance (°C/W)
Rinsulation1 = Thermal Resistance Glass (°C/W)