Knurl Specification and Tool Size Chart Table

Engineering Metals and Materials
Manufacturing Menu

Reference: ANSI/ASME B94.6. ANSI Standard Knurls and Knurling

The following table gives standardized diameter pitches and dimensional relationships when producing straight, diagonal, and diamond knurling on cylindrical surfaces having teeth of uniform pitch parallel to the cylinder axis or at a helix angle not exceeding 45 degrees with the work axis.

All data is in inch units

Diameter Pitch 160 128 96 64
Approx Depth
of tooth or
in Knurled Dia.
0.009 0.012 0.016 0.024
Diameter of
No. of
Teeth in
No. of
Teeth in
No. of
Teeth in
No. of
Teeth in
0.094 0.103 15 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
0.125 0.134 20 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
0.141 ---- ---- 0.153 18 ---- ---- ---- ----
0.156 0.165 25 0.168 20 ---- ---- ---- ----
 0.172 ---- ---- 0.184 22 ---- ---- ---- ----
0.188 0.197 30 0.200 24 ---- ---- ---- ----
 0.203 ---- ---- 0.215 26 ---- ---- ---- ----
0.219 .228 35 0.231 28 ---- ---- ---- ----
0.234 ---- ---- 0.246 30 ---- ---- ---- ----
0.250 0.259 40 0.262 32 0.266 24 ---- ----
 0.266 ---- ---- 0.278 34 ---- ---- ---- ----
0.281 0.290 45 0.293 36 0.297 27 ---- ----
0.297 ---- ---- 0.309 38 ---- ---- ---- ----
0.312 0.321 50 0.324 40 0.328 30 ---- ----
0.328 ---- ---- 0.340 42 ---- ---- ---- ----
0.344 0.353 55 0.356 44 0.360 33 ---- ----
0.359 ---- ---- 0.371 46 ---- ---- ---- ----
0.375 0.384 60 0.387 48 0.391 36 0.399 24
0.391 ---- ---- 0.403 50 ---- ---- 0.414 25
0.406 0.415 65 0.418 52 0.422 39 0.430 26
0.422 ---- ---- 0.434 54 ---- ---- 0.446 27
0.438 0.447 70 0.450 56 0.454 42 0.462 28
0.453 ---- ---- 0.465 58 ---- ---- 0.447 29
0.469 0.478 75 0.481 60 0.485 45 0.493 30
0.484 ---- ---- 0.496 62 0.---- ---- 0.508 31
0.500 0.509 80 0.512 64 0.516 48 0.524 32
0.516 ---- ---- 0.528 66 ---- ---- 0.540 33
0.531 0.540 85 0.543 68 0.547 51 0.555 34
0.547 ---- ---- 0.559 70 ---- ---- 0.571 35
0.562 0.571 90 0.574 72 0.578 54 0.586 36
0.578 ---- ---- 0.590 74 ---- ---- 0.602 37
0.594 0.603 95 0.606 76 0.610 57 0.618 38
0.609 ---- ---- 0.621 78 ---- ---- 0.633 39
0.625 0.634 100 0.637 80 0.641 60 0.649 40
0.641 ---- ---- 0.653 82 ---- ---- 0.665 41
0.656 0.665 105 0.668 84 0.672 63 0.680 42
0.672 ---- ---- 0.684 86 ---- ---- 0.696 43
0.688 0.697 110 0.700 88 0.704 66 0.712 44
0.703 ---- ---- 0.715 90 ---- ---- 0.727 45
0.719 0.728 115 0.731 92 0.735 69 0.743 46
0.734 ---- ---- 0.746 94 ---- ---- 0.758 47
0.750 0.759 120 0.762 96 0.766 72 0.774 48
0.766 ---- ---- 0.778 98 ---- ---- 0.790 49
0.781 0.790 125 0.793 100 0.797 75 0.805 50
0.797 ---- ---- 0.809 102 ---- ---- 0.821 51
0.812 0.821 130 0.824 104 0.828 78 0.836 52
0.828 ---- ---- 0.840 106 ---- ---- 0.852 53
0.844 0.833 135 0.856 108 0.860 81 0.868 54
0.859 ---- ---- 0.871 110 ---- ---- 0.883 55
0.875 0.884 140 0.887 112 0.891 84 0.899 56
0.891 ---- ---- 0.903 114 ---- ---- 0.915 57
0.906 0.915 145 0.918 116 0.922 87 0.930 58
0.922 ---- ---- 0.934 118 ---- ---- 0.946 59
0.938 0.947 150 0.950 120 0.954 90 0.962 60
0.953 ---- ---- 0.965 122 ---- ---- 0.977 61
0.969 0.978 155 0.981 124 0.985 93 0.993 62
0.984 ---- ---- 0.996 126 ---- ---- 1.008 63
1.000 1.009 160 1.012 128 1.016 96 1.024 64
