Centripetal Acceleration, Force Equations and Calculator

Engineering Physics

Centripetal Acceleration and Force Equations

Centripetal Acceleration

Centripetal Acceleration defines the distance that is covered and the direction of the movement. Since the velocity vector (the direction) of a body changes when moved in a circle - there is an acceleration.

a = v2 / r
r = v2 / a
v = (ar)1/2


a = Centripetal acceleration and is directed perpendicular to v (m/s2, in/s2)
v = Tangential velocity or instantaneous velocity (m/s, ft/s)
r = Radius of the circle (m, ft)
m = meters
ft = feet
s = seconds

Centripetal Force Equations

F = m a
F = m v2 / r


F = centripetal force (N, lbf)
a = Centripetal acceleration and is directed perpendicular to v (m/s2, in/s2)
m = Mass (kg, slugs)
s = seconds

Centripetal Acceleration Calculators
Data Input
Velocity =
Radius =
Centripetal Acceleration =
Data Input
Velocity =
Centripetal Acceleration =
Radius =
Data Input
Centripetal Acceleration =
Radius =
Velocity =
Centripetal Force Calculator
Data Input
Mass =
Centripetal acceleration =
Centripetal Force =
Data Input
Mass =
Velocity =
Radius =
Centripetal Force =


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